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Toby Boys

LLB (Hons), BA, Accredited Specialist in Commercial Litigation - Queensland Law Society, Accredited Mediator - Queensland Law Society

Partner - Brisbane

Areas of Expertise

Dispute Resolution & Litigation, Competition & Consumer Law, Intellectual Property, Startups & Emerging Enterprises, Royal Commissions & Commissions of Inquiry, White Collar Crime & Regulatory Investigations, Corporate Restructuring and Insolvency


Toby is an Accredited Specialist in Commercial Litigation with the Queensland Law Society (QLS) and is former a member of the QLS’ Commercial Litigation Specialist Accreditation Advisory Committee. 

Toby has been listed in the 2017 to 2025 editions of The Best Lawyers in Australia for Alternative Dispute Resolution, Commercial Law and Litigation. He is also recognised in the 2015 to 2024 editions of Doyles Guides as a recommended and leading lawyer in Commercial Litigation & Dispute Resolution for Queensland, and has been listed as a recommended lawyer for Commercial Litigation in The Legal 500 Asia Pacific.

Toby is also a National Accredited Mediator and has been acting as a mediator and facilitator for 20 years. He is  the former Chair of the QLS Alternative Dispute Resolution Committee and is a Member of the Law Council’s ADR Committee. Toby is recognised in the 2020 edition of Doyles Guide as leading Mediator for Queensland. He is regularly appointed by parties and nominating authorities to act as an independent mediator and facilitator. He was formerly a dispute resolution adviser with Europe’s largest ADR organisation, the Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution (CEDR), in London. 


Toby acts for clients in commercial dispute resolution matters in courts, tribunals and arbitrations including in mining, property and leasing, commercial, corporate, insolvency, intellectual property, regulatory inquiries and mediations.

His experience includes the following:


  • acting for a Queensland mining company in unique Land Court compensation proceedings arising from special purpose legislation enacted by the Queensland Parliament
  • acting for parties in a large, complex mining joint venture dispute in the Queensland Supreme Court
  • acting for mining companies in a coal terminal pricing review arbitration
  • assisting in representing an international mining company in a dispute against a rail operator arising from rail contracts.

Corporate and insolvency

  • acting for the plaintiff shareholders in a shareholder oppression claim related to a mining joint venture company
  • acting in a winding-up application based on ‘just and equitable’ grounds
  • advising a shareholder in relation to a claim for breach of  a shareholders agreement and bad faith
  • advising a shareholder in relation to an application for access to company books and records and rectification of  the share register
  • advising a party in relation to membership rights in a company limited by guarantee
  • acting for board members in a Supreme Court proceeding regarding validity of  director and annual general meetings
  • advising administrators and liquidators, including the liquidator of  a mining exploration company in relation to proof  of  debt appeals and a shareholders dispute
  • advising a liquidator in relation to the issues arising in the liquidation of  a vocational education training (VET) company
  • advising directors in relation to ASIC investigations, including a significant investigation into alleged breaches of the "insider trading" provision of the Corporations Act
  • acting for directors and other parties to defend claims by liquidators, banks and regulators following insolvency events, including for preference claims, uncommercial transactions, enforcement of securities and guarantee disputes
  • advising parties in relation to prosecuting and defending debt recovery and enforcement proceedings, including statutory demand disputes and winding-up in insolvency proceedings applications.


  • acting as the Court-appointed "Independent Solicitor" on an Anton Piller (i.e. Search) order in a confidential information matter 
  • acting for an engineering company in relation to disputes arising from an EPCM contract with Chinese and Australian companies
  • acting for a Chinese company in a Hong Kong International Arbitration in relation to iron ore commodities contracts
  • acting for a solar industry supplier in relation to claims made about defective products
  • advising a rural property owner in relation to the terms of  a sharefarming agreement.

Property and leasing

  • advising large landlord clients in relation to a range of  issues, including tenant compensation claims arising from redevelopments and rent reviews, and issues arising from tenant insolvency and recovery of  premises
  • acting for an international franchisor in a retail lease disputes.


  • acting for a bulk water authority and the senior engineer in the Queensland Floods Commission of  Inquiry 2011 including issues in relation to the operation of  Wivenhoe Dam.

Toby also has experience in financial services and regulation having previously worked in the Enforcement Division of the UK’s Financial Services Authorities on major market abuse and insider dealing investigations.


Toby has extensive mediation and facilitation experience in both Australia and the UK and has acted as a mediator or facilitator in a wide range of areas including:

  • commercial and business disputes of all types and size
  • competition and consumer law matters (e.g. misleading and deceptive conduct and unconscionable conduct claims)
  • shareholders, joint venture and partnership disputes, including disputes between directors and senior managers
  • property and leasing (former member of the QCAT Retail Shop Leases mediation panel)
  • Franchising Code and Oil Code (current member Office of the Franchising Mediation Adviser panel of mediators for franchising and oil code matters
  • intellectual property (current member of the panel of mediators for IP Australia’s Mediation Referral Service Register)
  • corporate insolvency and bankruptcy matters, including mediating claims made by liquidators and bankruptcy trustee
  • employment related matters, including disputes about restraints of trade and confidential information

Toby has also been engaged as a mediation trainer and coach for a number of organisations such as the University of Queensland, Resolution Institute and The Real Estate Institute of Queensland (REIQ).

View Toby's full mediation experience here.


14 May 2024 - Knowledge

Waiver of legal professional privilege in regulatory investigations

#Dispute Resolution & Litigation

The recent case of ASIC v Noumi Ltd prompts organisations to understand laws around maintaining legal professional privilege and avoid accidentally waiving their right to privilege, particularly in regulatory investigations.

22 April 2024 - Knowledge

ACCC cracks down on misleading consumer guarantees and return rights for faulty goods

#Dispute Resolution & Litigation, #Competition & Consumer Law

Recent ACCC enforcement action taken against brands highlights the importance of ensuring your business complies with consumer guarantee rights under the ACL and your obligations to refund, repair or replace faulty items.

09 April 2024 - Knowledge

Federal Court decision pierces the corporate veil for breach of director duties

#Dispute Resolution & Litigation

A recent Federal Court decision has demonstrated a lifting of the limited liability protections generally afforded to company directors in circumstances where directors have breached their duties.

08 November 2023 - Knowledge

A plea to parties: Timely and effective use of mediation in commercial disputes

#Dispute Resolution & Litigation

As an experienced mediator and litigator, partner Toby Boys shares his views on why parties in commercial disputes should consider engaging in mediation at an early stage and adopt a proactive approach to alternative dispute resolution to save costs.

03 October 2023 - Knowledge

Restraint of trade in settlement deeds

#Dispute Resolution & Litigation

The NSW Court of Appeal finds that the restraint of trade doctrine applies, with some modification, to restraints agreed in the settlement of disputes over the enforceability of restraint of trade clauses.

01 August 2023 - Knowledge

‘Business as usual’: Doctrine of frustration in sale of business contracts

#Dispute Resolution & Litigation, #Corporate & Commercial Law

The High Court has recently considered the doctrine of frustration in the context of a sale of business contract which required the seller to carry on the business “in the usual and ordinary course” until completion, notwithstanding COVID-19 restrictions.

19 April 2023 - Knowledge

Received a statutory demand? Consider these three proven grounds to dispute the debt

#Dispute Resolution & Litigation

This article discusses the grounds on which a company can apply to have a statutory demand set aside, the application process and the potential outcomes of an application.

15 March 2023 - Knowledge

Debt and finance disputes on the rise: How your business can balance its litigation risk

#Dispute Resolution & Litigation, #Corporate Restructuring and Insolvency

There has been an uptick in the number of inquiries regarding dispute about debts, distressed companies, assets and insolvency following years of COVID-19 stress and economic downturn. This article highlights various measures creditors, debtors and guarantors can take in these circumstances.