D Univ, LLM, LLB, BA
Dispute Resolution & Litigation
Khory is recognised as a market leader in the field of dispute and conflict resolution both nationally and internationally.
Khory draws upon 35 years of experience in the public and private sectors as a party representative in complex legal proceedings, arbitrations, expert determinations and mediations. Khory has a leading practice in conflict and dispute strategic advisory work and has acted as a mediator and expert in a number of complex commercial disputes.
Khory has experience in a broad range of industries including energy, resources, commodities, infrastructure, public sector and cross-border. His reputation for strategic thinking makes him the 'go to' adviser on issues management and conflict resolution.
In addition, Khory is recognised by IBA Global Who’s Who of International Commercial Mediation, Chambers International Arbitration (Australia) and Chambers Global. He was also named as a leading individual in 2015 in Chambers Asia Pacific and named in the Best Lawyers (Australia) for International Arbitration, Government and Litigation.
Khory holds a number of public engagements including board appointments, engagements with substantial public institutions and educational groups. Khory currently represents the Australian delegation on the UNCITRAL Working Group II: Arbitration and Conciliation which is working on a model law or convention on the recognition and enforcement of conciliated settlements. He is also a board member of a number of important organisations, including the Northern Australian Infrastructure Facility.