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Holding Redlich has a history of advising and acting for departments, agencies and councils across the three tiers of Government – Federal, State and local.


We have a proven track record of providing effective, responsive and reliable services to the public sector.


Holding Redlich considers that an expert, independent, and well-resourced public service is essential for good government, and we work with our public sector clients to assist them to achieve positive outcomes in the public interest.

Understanding government

Our deep understanding of government is fostered from our experience acting for all levels of government through our appointment to the Whole of Australian Government legal services panel; our position on the legal panels of the New South Wales Government, Victorian Government and Queensland Government; and advising more than 60 local councils across Australia.

We know that to properly understand the challenges in providing legal advice to government, a firm needs to possess a breadth of experience drawn from working internally for government and also externally for consumers of government services. Many of our lawyers have worked in senior positions in government, served on government owned or associated bodies and boards, have government experience gained from secondments, or have a long experience in acting for government.

This experience helps us to understand the unique challenges of the public sector, including the financial, ethical, legislative and policy frameworks within which government operates. We also understand that the legal position on any issue is only one part of the wider picture, as government manages a range of stakeholder interests.

Ability to assist government

Our National Government Law Practice fosters deeply interactive relationships with our government clients, delivering expert legal services and advice that addresses the above key factors. We develop strategies to appropriately manage the considerations and risks of matters, and at all times ensure our clients are protected and their reputation is maintained.

Holding Redlich is experienced in handling difficult and complex legal issues for government across the full spectrum, including:

  • statutory interpretation 
  • public law matters, including administrative law, privacy and freedom of information
  • merits review and Federal and Supreme Court judicial review proceedings
  • royal commissions, inquiries, investigations and independent reviews
  • significant and/or sensitive property transactions
  • disputes and contentious transactions
  • public sector employment, industrial relations and workplace health and safety
  • probity and procurement.

We act for a range of government entities and stakeholders, including departments, agencies, government-owned corporations, statutory authorities and ministers.

We are also actively involved in and support the Institute of Public Administration Australia.

Recent Posts

12 September 2024 - Knowledge

NSW Government Bulletin: Can a labour hire worker claim an unfair dismissal?

#Workplace Relations & Safety, #Government

With the labour hire playing a key role in Australia’s workforce, we summarise the most recent approach taken by the Fair Work Commission and key areas of focus to assist government agencies and state owned corporations.

09 September 2024 - Knowledge

The Implied Undertaking: Implications for government entities

#Government, #Dispute Resolution & Litigation

The recent spotlight on the implied undertaking or the Harman undertaking, presents an opportunity for government bodies to revisit their legal obligations when receiving, and using, information obtained during legal proceedings, other inquiries or investigations.

28 August 2024 - Knowledge

NSW Government Bulletin


A wrap-up of the latest government news in NSW.

19 August 2024 - Knowledge

Queensland Government Bulletin: Using AI in government

#Government, #Data & Privacy

As AI adoption grows, governments should consider its use among employees, in decision-making processes and within supplier contracts, and evaluate its implementation.

15 August 2024 - Knowledge

NSW Government Bulletin: The call-up – NSW government workers to return to office

#Government, #Workplace Relations & Safety

Following the NSW Premier’s statement on government sector employee's stricter office working requirements, we discuss the legal issues government agencies need to consider. 

31 July 2024 - Knowledge

NSW Government Bulletin


A wrap-up of the latest government news in NSW.

18 July 2024 - Knowledge

NSW Government Bulletin: Officer's WHS due diligence obligations – clarification on 'reasonable steps'

#Government, #Workplace Relations & Safety

Two recent unsuccessful prosecutions against officers of PCBUs have assisted in clarifying what measures and steps undertaken by an officer will be deemed appropriate to meet their due diligence obligations under WHS laws.

15 July 2024 - Knowledge

Queensland Government Bulletin: The implied undertaking – implications for government entities

#Government, #Dispute Resolution & Litigation

The recent spotlight on the implied undertaking or the Harman undertaking, presents an opportunity for government bodies to revisit their legal obligations when receiving, and using, information obtained during legal proceedings, other inquiries or investigations.

05 July 2024 - Knowledge

NSW Government Bulletin


A wrap-up of the latest government news in NSW. 

02 July 2024 - Knowledge

New IC review procedures: Requirements for Australian government agencies

#Government, #Data & Privacy, #Corporate & Commercial Law

New directions now apply to Information Commissioner reviews, requiring government agencies to engage with applicants early, submit documents simultaneously to the OAIC and follow specific processes for deemed refusals and missing documents.

18 June 2024 - Knowledge

NSW Government Bulletin: SafeWork NSW announces new psychological health and safety strategy

#Government, #Workplace Relations & Safety

Government departments and agencies are advised to ensure compliance with new psychosocial hazard laws after SafeWork NSW released its Psychological Health and Safety Strategy 2024–2026.

17 June 2024 - Knowledge

Queensland Government Bulletin: Managing defective design or building work in government projects

#Government, #Construction, Infrastructure & Projects

Construction defects can significantly impact a project’s safety, integrity and budget. This edition covers key concepts including defects liability period, a contractor’s right to remedy defects and maintaining privilege during defect investigations.